- Muslimov, Ferrari, Hugot, Bouret, Neiner, Lombardo, Lemaitre, Grange, Guskov:
Design and modelling of spectrographs with holographic gratings on freeform surfaces, 2019, in press
- Bouret, Neiner, Gómez de Castro, Evans, Gaensicke, Shore, Fossati, Gry, Charlot, Marin, Noterdaeme, Chaufray: The science case
for POLLUX, a high-resolution UV spectropolarimeter onboard LUVOIR, 2018, SPIE, 10699E3BB
- Muslimov, Ferrari, Hugot, Bouret, Neiner, Lombardo, Lemaitre, Grange: Spectrographs with holographic gratings on freeform surfaces:
design approach and application for the LUVOIR mission, 2018, SPIE, 10690E1HM
- Muslimov, Bouret, Neiner, López Ariste, Ferrari, Vivès, Hugot, Grange, Lombardo, Lopes, Costerate, Brachet: POLLUX: a UV
spectropolarimeter for the LUVOIR space telescope project, 2018, SPIE, 10699E06M
Press releases
Several presentations in international and national conferences such as AAS meetings (January 2018, 2019), or SPIE in Austin (June 2018).
A dedicated workshop to present LUVOIR and POLLUX to the French astronomical community was held during the annual meeting of the French astronomy society in
Bordeaux (June 2018).